23 research outputs found

    Exploiting c\mathbf{c}-Closure in Kernelization Algorithms for Graph Problems

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    A graph is c-closed if every pair of vertices with at least c common neighbors is adjacent. The c-closure of a graph G is the smallest number such that G is c-closed. Fox et al. [ICALP '18] defined c-closure and investigated it in the context of clique enumeration. We show that c-closure can be applied in kernelization algorithms for several classic graph problems. We show that Dominating Set admits a kernel of size k^O(c), that Induced Matching admits a kernel with O(c^7*k^8) vertices, and that Irredundant Set admits a kernel with O(c^(5/2)*k^3) vertices. Our kernelization exploits the fact that c-closed graphs have polynomially-bounded Ramsey numbers, as we show

    Induced Matching below Guarantees: Average Paves the Way for Fixed-Parameter Tractability

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    In this work, we study the Induced Matching problem: Given an undirected graph GG and an integer β„“\ell, is there an induced matching MM of size at least β„“\ell? An edge subset MM is an induced matching in GG if MM is a matching such that there is no edge between two distinct edges of MM. Our work looks into the parameterized complexity of Induced Matching with respect to "below guarantee" parameterizations. We consider the parameterization uβˆ’β„“u - \ell for an upper bound uu on the size of any induced matching. For instance, any induced matching is of size at most n/2n / 2 where nn is the number of vertices, which gives us a parameter n/2βˆ’β„“n / 2 - \ell. In fact, there is a straightforward 9n/2βˆ’β„“β‹…nO(1)9^{n/2 - \ell} \cdot n^{O(1)}-time algorithm for Induced Matching [Moser and Thilikos, J. Discrete Algorithms]. Motivated by this, we ask: Is Induced Matching FPT for a parameter smaller than n/2βˆ’β„“n / 2 - \ell? In search for such parameters, we consider MM(G)βˆ’β„“MM(G) - \ell and IS(G)βˆ’β„“IS(G) - \ell, where MM(G)MM(G) is the maximum matching size and IS(G)IS(G) is the maximum independent set size of GG. We find that Induced Matching is presumably not FPT when parameterized by MM(G)βˆ’β„“MM(G) - \ell or IS(G)βˆ’β„“IS(G) - \ell. In contrast to these intractability results, we find that taking the average of the two helps -- our main result is a branching algorithm that solves Induced Matching in 49(MM(G)+IS(G))/2βˆ’β„“β‹…nO(1)49^{(MM(G) + IS(G))/ 2 - \ell} \cdot n^{O(1)} time. Our algorithm makes use of the Gallai-Edmonds decomposition to find a structure to branch on

    Correlating Theory and Practice in Finding Clubs and Plexes

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    For solving NP-hard problems there is often a huge gap between theoretical guarantees and observed running times on real-world instances. As a first step towards tackling this issue, we propose an approach to quantify the correlation between theoretical and observed running times. We use two NP-hard problems related to finding large "cliquish" subgraphs in a given graph as demonstration of this measure. More precisely, we focus on finding maximum s-clubs and s-plexes, i. e., graphs of diameter s and graphs where each vertex is adjacent to all but s vertices. Preprocessing based on Turing kernelization is a standard tool to tackle these problems, especially on sparse graphs. We provide a parameterized analysis for the Turing kernelization and demonstrate their usefulness in practice. Moreover, we demonstrate that our measure indeed captures the correlation between these new theoretical and the observed running times

    Parameterized Complexity of Geodetic Set

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    A vertex set S of a graph G is geodetic if every vertex of G lies on a shortest path between two vertices in S. Given a graph G and k ? ?, the NP-hard Geodetic Set problem asks whether there is a geodetic set of size at most k. Complementing various works on Geodetic Set restricted to special graph classes, we initiate a parameterized complexity study of Geodetic Set and show, on the negative side, that Geodetic Set is W[1]-hard when parameterized by feedback vertex number, path-width, and solution size, combined. On the positive side, we develop fixed-parameter algorithms with respect to the feedback edge number, the tree-depth, and the modular-width of the input graph

    Binary Matrix Completion Under Diameter Constraints

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    Complexity of Combinatorial Matrix Completion With Diameter Constraints

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    We thoroughly study a novel and still basic combinatorial matrix completion problem: Given a binary incomplete matrix, fill in the missing entries so that the resulting matrix has a specified maximum diameter (that is, upper-bounding the maximum Hamming distance between any two rows of the completed matrix) as well as a specified minimum Hamming distance between any two of the matrix rows. This scenario is closely related to consensus string problems as well as to recently studied clustering problems on incomplete data. We obtain an almost complete complexity dichotomy between polynomial-time solvable and NP-hard cases in terms of the minimum distance lower bound and the number of missing entries per row of the incomplete matrix. Further, we develop polynomial-time algorithms for maximum diameter three, which are based on Deza's theorem from extremal set theory. On the negative side we prove NP-hardness for diameter at least four. For the parameter number of missing entries per row, we show polynomial-time solvability when there is only one missing entry and NP-hardness when there can be at least two missing entries. In general, our algorithms heavily rely on Deza's theorem and the correspondingly identified sunflower structures pave the way towards solutions based on computing graph factors and solving 2-SAT instances

    Determinantal Sieving

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    We introduce determinantal sieving, a new, remarkably powerful tool in the toolbox of algebraic FPT algorithms. Given a polynomial P(X)P(X) on a set of variables X={x1,…,xn}X=\{x_1,\ldots,x_n\} and a linear matroid M=(X,I)M=(X,\mathcal{I}) of rank kk, both over a field F\mathbb{F} of characteristic 2, in 2k2^k evaluations we can sieve for those terms in the monomial expansion of PP which are multilinear and whose support is a basis for MM. Alternatively, using 2k2^k evaluations of PP we can sieve for those monomials whose odd support spans MM. Applying this framework, we improve on a range of algebraic FPT algorithms, such as: 1. Solving qq-Matroid Intersection in time Oβˆ—(2(qβˆ’2)k)O^*(2^{(q-2)k}) and qq-Matroid Parity in time Oβˆ—(2qk)O^*(2^{qk}), improving on Oβˆ—(4qk)O^*(4^{qk}) (Brand and Pratt, ICALP 2021) 2. TT-Cycle, Colourful (s,t)(s,t)-Path, Colourful (S,T)(S,T)-Linkage in undirected graphs, and the more general Rank kk (S,T)(S,T)-Linkage problem, all in Oβˆ—(2k)O^*(2^k) time, improving on Oβˆ—(2k+∣S∣)O^*(2^{k+|S|}) respectively Oβˆ—(2∣S∣+O(k2log⁑(k+∣F∣)))O^*(2^{|S|+O(k^2 \log(k+|\mathbb{F}|))}) (Fomin et al., SODA 2023) 3. Many instances of the Diverse X paradigm, finding a collection of rr solutions to a problem with a minimum mutual distance of dd in time Oβˆ—(2r(rβˆ’1)d/2)O^*(2^{r(r-1)d/2}), improving solutions for kk-Distinct Branchings from time 2O(klog⁑k)2^{O(k \log k)} to Oβˆ—(2k)O^*(2^k) (Bang-Jensen et al., ESA 2021), and for Diverse Perfect Matchings from Oβˆ—(22O(rd))O^*(2^{2^{O(rd)}}) to Oβˆ—(2r2d/2)O^*(2^{r^2d/2}) (Fomin et al., STACS 2021) All matroids are assumed to be represented over a field of characteristic 2. Over general fields, we achieve similar results at the cost of using exponential space by working over the exterior algebra. For a class of arithmetic circuits we call strongly monotone, this is even achieved without any loss of running time. However, the odd support sieving result appears to be specific to working over characteristic 2

    Parameterized Algorithms for Matrix Completion with Radius Constraints

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    Considering matrices with missing entries, we study NP-hard matrix completion problems where the resulting completed matrix should have limited (local) radius. In the pure radius version, this means that the goal is to fill in the entries such that there exists a "center string" which has Hamming distance to all matrix rows as small as possible. In stringology, this problem is also known as Closest String with Wildcards. In the local radius version, the requested center string must be one of the rows of the completed matrix. Hermelin and Rozenberg [CPM 2014, TCS 2016] performed a parameterized complexity analysis for Closest String with Wildcards. We answer one of their open questions, fix a bug concerning a fixed-parameter tractability result in their work, and improve some running time upper bounds. For the local radius case, we reveal a computational complexity dichotomy. In general, our results indicate that, although being NP-hard as well, this variant often allows for faster (fixed-parameter) algorithms